Local produce in Ardtornish Gift & Farm Shop
Gift Shop
- Souveneirs
- Fishing Permits
- Post Box
- Garden Admissions
Ardtornish Gift Shop offers a great variety of products. You can treat yourself to a pair of Durbarry boots, a bottle of local Tobermory Gin or perhaps a signed copy of Sarah Raven’s or Adam Nicholson’s books. We strive to stock a wide variety of gifts and souvenirs, many from local companies, so that there is something for everybody to take away from their visit.
We also stock practical supplies for holidaying in Scotland; maps, midge repellent, fishing flies and postcards.
Visitors who want fly-fish in the Lochs or River Aline can buy permits here.
The Farm Shop
The Farm Shop journey began with the sale of our high quality, Ardtornish reared meat. We are now proud to sell a wide range of cuts from our cattle – prime fillet steak to mince, burgers and sausages.
We also sell lamb, mutton and hogget, depending on the time of year and our own Lamb Shoulder has been hugely popular, slow-cooked and used in Ardtornish Lamb Curry. Just one of the frozen meals we have designed in our delicious new range of Ardtornish Ready Meals.
Like most of The Highlands, Ardtornish is home to many Red Deer – no doubt you will see one or two during your visit – and it is necessary to monitor and control their numbers in order to sustain the ecosystem here on Morvern. Our Venison is extremely popular with both guests and locals alike.
You will also find a selection of soft drinks, cupboard staples, herbs and spices, Artisan goodies, zero-waste sides, snacks and sweet treats in the Farm Shop – perfect for picnics.
From our Farm to your fridge
If you are staying wish us, you have the option to pre-order meat, ready-meals and other Farm Shop staples straight to your accommodation and have a tasty, hassle-free meal waiting upon your arrival .

Kenny looks after the Farm & Gift shop and will be on hand during opening hours to help with your purchases and to answer any questions you might have about the local area.
T: 01967 421 288
E: kenny@ardtornish.com
Opening Hours (March – October)
Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am – 4pm
We endeavor to open 7 days a week from March – October but opening hours may vary.