We’ve planted around 200ha of native woodlands in the last 6 years, in 2 phases: phase 1 in 2018 and phase 2 in 2021.
Phases 1 and 2 focused on planting sites that were treeless but had good potential for woodland. Phase 3 aims to enhance the condition of and expand existing mature woodland.
The two south easterly blocks (C and D), adjacent to Ardtornish House and Achranich, will connect and extend woodland fragments. The northerly block (G) includes an area of the Morvern woods SAC which is in unfavourable condition because of overgrazing. The project hopes to address the site’s condition through the exclusion of deer and livestock.
Unlike Phases 1 and 2, our hope is that most of the new woodland in phase 3 will be established naturally via existing seed sources, allowed to grow by removing grazing pressure. Survey work has identified an abundance of seedlings representing a range of tree species, which, with adequate protection, should establish quickly. The table below provides detail on the areas of existing woodland and establishment techniques for new woodland in each of the 3 blocks:
Block C | Block D | Block G | Total Area (ha) | |
Existing woodland | 21.07 | 12.43 | 16.08 | 49.58 |
New natural regen | 34.8 | 18.63 | 42.65 | 96.08 |
Native broadleaf mix | 3.39 | 0 | 53.86 | 57.25 |
Native upland birch | 1.77 | 11.52 | 0 | 13.29 |
Total | 61.03 | 42.58 | 112.59 | 216.2 |
The native broadleaf mix will predominately include Sessile Oak, Aspen, Grey Willow, Eared Willow, Rowan and Alder with elements Hazel, Holly, Bird Cherry, Hawthorn and Blackthorn included if we find an appropriate sapling source.
Blocks C and G sit within the proposed new strategic fence which is being erected to protect part of the Aline catchment from overgrazing by sheep and deer. We held a consultation event on the plans last April and more information on the project can be found in the Estate News section on the website. The plan shows the proposed new fence, and the line of existing fence lines in the area. The project aims to connect new fences into existing ones, refurbish any fences that are no longer deer or stock proof and remove any that are redundant.
We’re holding a consultation event in the Hub on 23rd July so that members of the community have the chance to discuss the detail and contribute to the plans for phase 3. Details of the event are included in the notice below, and if you can’t make it along, please send your feedback, comments or questions to stay@ardtornish.co.uk or call the Office 01967 421 221.