Wow, this pooch has sass! Introducing Sammy, a stunning Golden Labrador, with pools of chocolate for eyes, a silky coat of fur and boasting the sweetest scent that leaves the dogs on the estate drooling. She is bold, intelligent and friendly, oh and did I mention gorgeous…. could this be a love story in the making!
The Labrador is a canine brainiac, ranked within the top ten most intelligent dog breeds in the world. While all dogs can generally be considered to have a very enthusiastic relationship with their dinner, the Labrador really takes their love of food to the next level.
Keep your eyes peeled around the estate as wherever Sammy is, Sweep is sure to be close by.
Ever heard the saying ‘Two’s company and three’s a crowd?’ …. Meet Buddy – A Cockapoo, described by myself as a whirling dervish, a none stop energy charged ball of black fur and the newest addition to the Carmichael household, Sammy’s adopted brother. Mayhem and chaos is always close by when Buddy’s around.