Ardtornish Estate – Woodland Creation Programme – Phase 2


In accordance with the best practice guidelines relating to stakeholder engagement, Ardtornish Estate hereby invites you to comment on its plans to further increase native woodland cover on the estate, building on phase one.

Phase two will expand, regenerate and connect our native broadleaf cover in the heart of the estate by creating four new woodlands and enclosing existing woodlands during 2020-21.

As well as farm and deer management considerations, a range of environmental and ecological surveys have been undertaken to inform the site selection process. Archaeology, landscape impact and public access are also being taken into consideration.

Whilst the total size of the enclosed areas in relation to the volume of new planting might appear disproportionate, the scheme is designed to maximise the protection afforded to existing native woodlands, including riparian habitats, by encouraging extensive natural regeneration.

Compartments B, C and D are located around Loch Tearnait. Compartment F is located on the south east face of Achranich hill.

Woodland Design

The woodlands are designed in accordance with best practice contained in UK Forest Standards and native woodland creation guidelines.
Planting densities will average 1,600 trees/ha, with higher planting densities on better ground.

Seed sources from Ardtornish or as close to Ardtornish as possible, made up of Woodland NVC (National Vegetation Classification) Type W9 (Very Suitable), will be used. Species will include rowan, oak, birch, holly and hawthorn.

Fencing will be important to protect against deer and stock. Public access arrangements will be considered carefully.

Ground preparation will be mounding by excavator; inverted mounding on better free-draining soils, hinge mounding on wetter ground. This method will best enable the trees to establish in the local soil conditions.

Fertiliser (P & K) to aid establishment will be applied when the trees are planted.

Chemical and hand weeding will be undertaken as required in order to control seasonal/annual weeds. Additional fertiliser may be applied in years 4 or 5 to assist tree growth. Monitoring and management will be ongoing.

Continuous deer management will be the responsibility of the estate’s deer manager.


We have reached the final stage of scoping and I would be very grateful if you could provide any feedback you may have by the 13th of May 2020.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone if you have any specific questions or concerns you would like to raise.

Please follow the link to access detailed information on compartments B, C, D & F.
Tlf: 01764 652858
Mobile: 07867 458884
Rts Ltd, Earnside House
Muthill Road