01967 421 288 | stay@ardtornish.co.uk


14 07, 2021

Hot, cold, wet, dry… we’ve had it all and not quite in the right order!

2021-07-14T14:51:35+01:00July 14th, 2021|Garden|

Formal gardens Grass cutting is now well underway and some of the larger lower lawns are being converted to native wildflower meadows where appropriate. This will increase biodiversity of the gardens encouraging wildlife and [...]

29 10, 2018

Lichens on the apple tree in Ardtornish Kitchen Garden

2020-01-15T09:53:35+00:00October 29th, 2018|Garden, Wildlife|

Written by Sandy & Brian Coppins, Sandy is an internationally recognised lichen expert and recent visitor to the estate. Reference: Atlantic Hazel – Scotland’s special woodlands Lichens are amazingly varied in shape, form and [...]

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