01967 421 288 | stay@ardtornish.co.uk

Latest Newsletters2025-02-13T14:37:48+00:00
1504, 2024

Spring Newsletter 2024

April 15th, 2024|

Welcome to the Ardtornish Newsletter Welcome to our spring newsletter. The team at Ardtornish has put together a good summary of what’s been happening here, below. As you can tell from what follows, it’s been a very busy time. At any one time we usually have several contractors and their teams on site, besides our own in-house staff, [...]

504, 2023

Spring Newsletter 2023

April 5th, 2023|

Welcome to the Ardtornish Newsletter We hope we’ll be seeing you this year, and thought you might be interested in some of our news. In the last year we’ve been delighted to welcome Dennis and John in the gardens and their respective families, and Darren Charlton in the estate maintenance team. Among the highlights of our long winter for [...]

1108, 2021

Ardtornish Estate Newsletter Summer 2021

August 11th, 2021|

Sir Nicholas Goodison Hugh Raven Nicholas Goodison, who has died aged 87, was a polymathic public figure who loved Ardtornish. Known mainly as the architect of the root-and-branch reforms that revolutionised financial dealings in the City of London, reasserting it as one of the pre-eminent global financial hubs, he was highly unusual in achieving distinction in a [...]

106, 2018

Ardtornish Estate Newsletter Spring/Summer 2018

June 1st, 2018|

CEO UPDATE Spring is upon us and after a long hard winter we are looking forward to warmer weather. My team is completing preparations for the new season. DA MacDonald, our main contractor on the hydro work is completing the work programme on the Socaich extension and the estate is being tidied with much of the heavy plant and [...]

709, 2017

Ardtornish Estate Newsletter August 2017

September 7th, 2017|Tags: , |

CEO UPDATE Summer is well underway and Ardtornish has been very busy with visitors in a  packed booking schedule for the visitor team. Our energy assets have been working hard with a lot of rainfall. More later. Various people have been visiting during August amongst these were senior  buying staff from Waitrose who were introduced to Ardtornish by Dennis Overton. [...]

2806, 2017

Ardtornish Estate Newsletter June 2017

June 28th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |

CEO Update I am very pleased to present this newsletter on behalf of everyone at Ardtornish and many thanks for the contributions from colleagues. The first 6 months of 2017 have been very busy and with such a great team of people working here, I am confident that we will get through the workload. There is much going on as [...]

1806, 2017

Annual Report, 2016

June 18th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

A word from Dennis Overton, OBE, Chairman of the Ardtornish Estate Company. Dennis Overton, OBE I’m delighted to introduce this, our third such annual report, on behalf of the team at Ardtornish - and to thank them for the year’s work that it records. My tasks as chair of the board are made easier by settled policies [...]

304, 2017

February 2017 Newsletter

April 3rd, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |

Estate What a busy start to 2017!  The main focus of the works team has been to install the new biomass heating main for the yard buildings.  The pipes from the boiler house (under construction in the commercial area; it will be contained within the new agricultural shed) have been laid in to Achranich and the joiner’s shop. We plan [...]

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